In 2021/22 the HSE documented 565,000 injuries at work, 61,713 injuries reported to RIDDOR and 123 workers killed in work related accidents. A total of 36.8 million working days lost to work related illness and workplace injury equating to costs of £18.8 billion. Whether you are an employer or self-employed, Health and Safety training can help you identify the hazards and control the risks at your workplace. Maintaining a safe working environment is important to minimise the risk of illness and injury to staff and to protect your business.
We offer a range of online training options and face to face training for key qualifications to ensure understanding and compliance.
Prior to training we will discuss the needs of the business and relate this to the training whether owner, manager, or employee.
Group bookings for courses can be held at your venue.
Health and Safety Principles Level 2
This course is aimed at anyone who requires a course in health and safety awareness. It is designed to meet the Health and Safety regulations. It is ideal for managers and supervisors who manage a team. The training is comprehensive covering regulations, precautions, planning, risk assessing, PPE, individual sectors, what causes accidents, employer/employee responsibilities, RIDDOR, COSHH, first aid, workstation/VDU safety, working at heights, gas safety, occupational health, infection control, electricity, enforcement and the dangers and links in the regulations in fire and manual handling.
Price: Individual £69.60 VAT incl
Group Booking £310 VAT excl (up to 12)
Fire Awareness (Marshal) L2
This level 2 course is aimed at anyone who requires a course as a Fire Warden or a Fire Marshal.
The course covers the latest fire safety regulations and the roles and duties of employees and their responsibilities on Fire Safety.
The course is designed to meet and comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. It covers how fires are started, methods of controlling fire spread, evacuating the building, fire briefings and risk assessing.
Price: Individual £69.60 VAT incl
Group Booking £310 VAT excl (up to 12)
Safe Moving and Handling Level 2
The course is aimed at anyone who requires a course in manual handling and is ideal for all workplace requirements.
The course is designed to meet the requirements and recommendations of the HSE Manual Handling Regulations 1992.
Training can be important in raising awareness and reducing risk, but it won't ensure safe manual handling on its own. It should complement your existing manual handling operations to be as safe as reasonably practicable.
Price: Individual £69.60 VAT incl
Group Booking £310 VAT excl (up to 12)